Why I used to be a morning person – until I had children

I’ve always been pretty quick at getting ready. I do wear make-up (more or less) daily and my hair takes 3 (count ’em) electrical appliances to avoid looking like someone undergoing electric shock therapy. However, years of going to the gym first thing have honed my morning routine and I can achieve quite a bit in a short space of time. So why, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, do my children take 8 times as long to get ready? Let’s break it down a bit…

Gro Clock Continue reading “Why I used to be a morning person – until I had children”

Holidays Then and Now

Given that things have turned colder this week, Paul and I decided it was about time we book a holiday. This may seem early, but as all parents will know, particularly those with school age children, spontaneity is a thing of the past – the days taking a week off on a whim, meeting at Thomas Cook during your lunch hour and forking out £184 for a week in Majorca are long gone (which is quite possibly a good thing).

It got me to thinking about all the other things which have changed when it comes to holidays. Holidays these days are a bit like being at home in a more confined space and with less washing (at least during the holiday itself).

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Parenting Bad Habits

We all have our bad habits and personal foibles which make us who we are. Just to clear things up, I actually was born in a barn and I have lots of shoes because let’s face it, our feet don’t have fat days.

Since becoming a parent, I’ve noticed a few Mum related habits which are pretty common. I should caveat this with the fact that I have done all of the below. I’m not judging (that’s something I reserve for parents who put their children in Crocs. I don’t care if they’re practical). Continue reading “Parenting Bad Habits”