January Review & February Goals


Is it just me, or does January last approximately 423 years? Christmas seems like a distant memory (and has done since 4th January) and I really miss the pre-kids days of being able to jet off to warmer climes at the start of the year. But still, we have finally reached the end and spring is that little bit closer. It’s not been all bad, I enjoyed some beautiful frosty walks by the river in my lunch break and had a day at a spa which was lovely. Continue reading “January Review & February Goals”

Class Review – Spinning

Last month I committed to reviewing a class each month, and as I was up at the crack of doom for a spin class this week, it seemed apt to feature it this month.

For those of you who aren’t familiar, spinning is basically an indoor cycling class. It uses a special kind of stationary bike which is closer in feel to riding a real bike than your standard exercise bike – spin bikes are more adjustable so you can get a more comfortable position. As a newbie, your instructor should be able to help you get set up to ensure that you don’t put too much pressure on your knees etc. They also have adjustable resistance, so you can simulate going up hills for example.

Spinning Continue reading “Class Review – Spinning”

Fitness Review – Body Combat

I think the most important thing about exercise is to choose something you enjoy (to a point – I’m sure no one loves squats, but they are good for your butt!). There’s no point in dragging yourself onto the Stair Master or slogging your way round a half marathon if you hate it. I’m lucky (or perhaps weird) in that I enjoy most forms of exercise, but there are definitely some that are more fun than others.

I particularly love classes at the gym, but it is easy to get stuck in a rut, going to the same old sessions and not trying anything new. So I thought that if I tried to review one class a month, it would at least make me try 12 different classes over the course of the year! Continue reading “Fitness Review – Body Combat”