My Food Philosophy (The Edited Highlights!)

I’ve started writing this post a few times, but it ends up being really long, so I’ve decided to write a short summary of my approach to my diet, and I’ll expand on each section over the coming few weeks.

I’ve had a complex relationship with food (and my body) over the years, but I feel like I’ve started to figure out what works for me. And that’s a key point – this is what works for me. One of the first things we learn as trainee Nutritional Therapists as that we’re all individuals – our bodies are all different and there are a number of factors which influence how we can best support our health and wellbeing. Continue reading “My Food Philosophy (The Edited Highlights!)”

Recipe – Buttered Lentil Soup

When we were growing up, I often remember Mum cooking up a big batch of soup on a Saturday for lunch. There was always some sort of activity on a Saturday morning – swimming, music etc, and it was always lovely to come home to a warming bowl of soup. We used to have a bakery at the end of our road and often we’d walk down to get fresh bread. I don’t think their baguettes were exactly authentic, they always used to bend in the middle and were really doughy, but they did the job in terms of having something to dip in your bowl!

Soup 1 Continue reading “Recipe – Buttered Lentil Soup”

Best Basic Porridge

I love porridge for breakfast. Particularly at this time of year, when the mornings are chilly, a hot breakfast is really warming and comforting!


Oats are pretty good for you as they are, being a good source of soluble fibre which is important for gut health. However, I like to pimp my porridge a bit – my aim with breakfast is always to get at least one portion of fruit and/or veg and also some protein, which ups the satiety value and keeps you full for longer. One way of increasing the protein value would be to add a scoop of protein powder, but as I’m trying to eat an unprocessed diet as far as possible, that’s not preferred option. Instead I’ve started adding an egg, which sounds a bit weird, but is actually delicious and gives a really creamy, almost custardy texture. You need to be careful you don’t end up with scrambled egg though! Here’s how I do it. This recipe also forms a great basis for getting creative with your porridge! Continue reading “Best Basic Porridge”

Pumpkin Pie Nice Cream Recipe

It’s Halloween next week, which seems to be coming a big and bigger deal in the UK. I actually quite like it, it takes the focus away from starting Christmas in September, and I’m all for celebrating festivals and marking the passing of the year.

In the UK, we do seem to be masters at celebrating festivals through the medium of food. In some ways, I guess this is part of our cultural heritage, in other ways it’s just a retail opportunity with the shops bulging with skull shaped chocolates and cupcakes decorated with cupcakes.

Pumpkin Continue reading “Pumpkin Pie Nice Cream Recipe”