May Review & June Goals

May has been a pretty good month all in all, not least because we had our first taste of hot weather for the year. Unfortunately it coincided with a weekend of lectures, but I was at least able to get to the park at lunchtime to eat in the sun. Luckily, I was able to find time for a panic pedi just before, so my feet were moderately more acceptable!

June Picture

Things seem to really have clicked into place this month from a food and exercise perspective. I’ve been eating lots of lovely salads this month. I’ve also been thinking a bit differently at breakfast time – at least a 2 or 3 times a week I have eggs with some sort of vegetables – asparagus, tomatoes, tender stem broccoli, spinach. I know many people don’t think beyond cereal or toast first thing in the morning, but I’m really enjoying lots of green things on my plate at the moment.

I don’t think I’ve been to the gym once this month, but I’ve really been enjoying working out at home. I haven’t posted a class review as I haven’t done anything different, but I’ve got into a good rhythm of strength training, I’m still enjoying my yoga, and I’ve seen my running speed pick up a little, which is nice to see. My gym contract is up in June and I’m thinking about cancelling. It’s very expensive given how infrequently I actually get there, so although there are classes I really enjoy, I’m not sure it’s worth it, and with Paul being away so much, it’s hard to find time to go. There’s nothing to say I can’t re-join at some point in the future.

As for other beauty goals, I did get round to deep conditioning my hair a couple of times, I’ve started using a build-up fake tan and even body brushed a couple of times (although I know I really need to do this more often!). I’ve got a facial booked for this Saturday too which I’m looking forward to. I’m also going to a spa for the day on Sunday – life’s a struggle 🙂 I’ve even charged up my epilator, but haven’t psyched myself up to use it yet – despite having given birth twice, the mere thought brings me out in a light sweat (so it’s just as well it’s one I can use in the bath…)

So onwards to June then. The month is starting well – it’s half term so we’re down in Weymouth on holiday for a few days. We’ve been lucky with the weather so far – enjoying some running, walks along the seafront and some lovely seafood!

My focus for the rest of the month is a little less frivolous than May! Unbelievably, by the end of June I’ll have finished the first of 3 years of training to qualify as a nutritional therapist, but I have an exam and another assignment to get through between now and then. Despite my struggles, I did better than expected in my last essay, so I don’t want to take my eye off the ball at this stage! It’s also the last month of our fiscal year at work, which means that I’ll be having my end of year review and thinking about what I want to achieve career wise over the next 12 months. I’ve still got a few things to look forward to – the spa trip, a family BBQ and a get together with my uni friends, so it’s certainly not all work, work, work, but I want to make sure I finish this half of the year in a good place and ready to relax a bit over the summer (when it finally arrives).

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